Terms and Conditions

The Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF) enables you to utilize this site on the accompanying terms. Your continued usage of this site comprises your consent and acknowledgment of these terms:


This site has been produced to give general data about the Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF) around the world including its activities and its administrations. This site contains data about items which could possibly be affirmed or accessible in the nation that you are getting to this site from. Nothing in this ought to be interpreted as a solicitation or advancement for any item or for a sign for any item that isn’t endorsed under the laws and controls of the nation that you are getting to this site from.


Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF) does not warrant that this site will be free from viruses or other dangers to your PC or programming that might be exchanged electronically. OBRF won’t be liable for any harm caused by any such viruses or other material.

Reliability of Information

Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF) endeavors to ensure that the information provided on this site is precise and current. However, you acknowledge that Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF) does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy and completeness of the information on this site. To the extent allowed by applicable law, OBRF accepts no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. OBRF reserves the right to change or add to the information provided on this site including these terms without notice.

Linked Third Party Sites

This site may provide links or references to those websites that are not associated with Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF). Such links are given just as a convenience to clients. Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF) has not reviewed the majority of the sites that might be linked to this site and isn’t in charge of the content of any other site linked to this site. You access linked third party sites completely at your own risk.

Copyright and Trade Marks

Except if generally indicated, Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF) possesses or utilizes under license all copyright trademarks and other protected innovation rights in the content and structure of this site. You should not reproduce, adapt, store in a retrieval system, transmit, print, display, perform, publish the entire or any piece of this site. You may view the content of this site on your Internet browser for your personal or non-commercial purposes only. The OBRF name and logo and the trade names of OBRF’s services are trademarks of OBRF and its affiliates. You should not use those names or any related logos without first obtaining OBRF’s written permission.

No Interference

You would agree that you won’t utilize any device, software, or routine trying to interfere with the correct operation of this site. Any access or attempt to access different areas of OBRF’s computer system or any information on its systems is entirely prohibited.

Exclusion of Liabilities

To the extent legally allowed, Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF) isn’t liable to you for any claim, cost, loss, or damage brought about by you, arising directly or indirectly out of your access or use of (or inability to access or use) this site, whether direct, consequential, special, indirect, or other loss or damage, and whether such liability arises out of contract, tort, statute, or otherwise.

Image Infringement

Images of people or places displayed on the Site are either the property of or used with permission by Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF). The use of these images by you or anyone else authorized by you is prohibited unless explicitly permitted by the Terms or by explicit consent provided elsewhere on the Site or in a separate composition signed by an authorized officer of Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF). Any unauthorized use of the images may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and possibly other statutes and regulations. Descriptions of or references to products, services, or publications within the Site do not imply endorsement of that product, service, or publication. Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF) makes no warranty of any kind as to the subject matter contained herein, the products listed in this or the completeness or accuracy of the information.


Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF) recognizes the importance of safeguarding your privacy. Please read our Privacy Policy for more information.

Login Process

For accessing the Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF) Site and to utilize certain Services, Member will be required to enter a user name and password to log in. Members will get access to the Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF) website only through the login page provided by OBRF and will not allow any other person to sign onto the company Site using Member’s user name and password. Member will ensure that he/she logs off from his/her account at the end of each session on the OBRF website. Member agrees not to disclose their user name and password to any other person and will hold Member’s user name and password in confidence during the term of this Agreement. In the event Member determines that another party has accessed Member’s user name and password, the Member will immediately notify OBRF of such access. In such event, OBRF will delete Member’s old user name and password and in its sole discretion issue a new user name and password to the Member.

Consent to Disclosure and Monitoring

Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF) is under no obligation and does not assume any obligation to monitor the information residing on or transmitted to or from the Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF) Website. Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF) undertakes no obligation to determine whether your conduct during your use of the OBRF Website complies with applicable laws or regulations. However, you agree that OBRF may, in its sole discretion, monitor its Website concerning its operation to protect users of the Contract Pharma Website and comply with applicable laws, regulations, or requests from government authorities. Unless provided by writing by the Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF) or covered as private in the Privacy Policy, all information provided by you to Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF) concerning the Website will be deemed not to be confidential and OBRF will not protect any such information from disclosure. Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF) will be free to use, disclose, and distribute such non-confidential information to third parties without restriction.

Interactive Restrictions

This section applies to the interactive elements of the Website. You agree not to post whatever criticizes any individual or their views, or which is or might be seen to be obscene, offensive, in any other way unlawful (for example, inciting of racial or religious hatred), endless, inconsiderate, abusive, or offensive, or which constitutes an advertisement. You agree that you will ensure that all the information you have put in your profile to access the interactive parts of the Website is true, accurate, and complete. You acknowledge that once your comment has been posted, you will not remove it except with our permission. This is to maintain the integrity of the discussions since someone may respond to your post and its removal may render that response meaningless. You acknowledge that we have the right to remove from the Website any posting you make that violates these Terms or that we are required to remove for legal reasons. You agree that you will only make original submissions and will not include anything that infringes on any other person’s intellectual property rights. You agree that if you fail to honor these Terms, we may terminate your interactive rights.

Changes to Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions of Use, prices, information, and available contractual license terms included on this site without notice. These conditions set out the entire understanding between Operant Biomedical Research Federation (OBRF) and you regarding your use of this site. The Organization is governed as per the law of India and Subjected to Pali – Marwar jurisdiction only.