
6 Holistic Sanitation Solutions for Cleaning and Disinfecting Vivariums


Comprehensive Vivarium Sanitation: Ensuring Health and Research Integrity

With the health and safety of the animals and caretakers on the line, cleaning vivariums and ensuring they are disinfected is of the utmost importance. Vivarium managers and their teams need a reliable chemical sanitation partner who will ensure that equipment and animal quarters are properly cleaned and disinfected.

  • Chemical verification
  • Washer operation inspection
  • Chemical dispensing equipment verification
  • Inventory management
  • Records retention
  • Ongoing training

1. Chemical Verification

Chemical verification is important to not only the success of a biomedical research program but also the health and safety of the animals and their caretakers.

A holistic chemical verification service should include:

  • Performing chemical titration of alkaline and acid rack, tunnel, cabinet, and bottle wash detergents and descalers
  • Checking the neutralization of pH levels prior to wash discharge to drain
  • Checking the final rinse pH
  • Checking the concentration of every disinfectant proportioner

These checks ensure that the chemical component of the sanitation process is operating as it should. Without it, the husbandry team does not know if this part of the sanitation process is working properly.

This lack of knowledge can cause big issues. Operating below the target range can create an environment where pathogens can flourish, whereas overusing may result in exceeding the chemical budget while reducing the effectiveness of the lab cleaning and disinfecting program. Both ends of the spectrum can be problematic and lead to compromises in the integrity of the research and the welfare of the animals. More specifically, pH excursions up or down the scale post wash can lead to serious consequences for animal health and well-being.

2. Rack, Tunnel, and Glassware Washer Operations

It is critical to work with a partner who takes a proactive approach to inspecting washer operations.

A holistic approach peels the onion beyond making sure that the chemical program is sound. Problems in washer operations can lead to:

  • Unsatisfactory ATP results
  • A compromise in the integrity of the research
  • Potential animal health issues
  • Mechanical failures that lead to washer downtime

While a chemical sanitation partner is not your mechanical contractor, they work in, on, and around mechanical washers every day. They conduct a thorough review of your washers, looking for any mechanical problems that could pose a problem. Even if the chemistry is being delivered at the proper concentration, this will not matter if the washer isn’t operating properly. Inspecting your washers for proper operation is another pillar in providing holistic sanitation solutions for research success.

A chemical sanitation partner who takes a holistic approach works to ensure that washer operations are not creating problems in cage wash. A proactive partner spots possible failure points before they become problematic.

3. Chemical Dispensing Equipment Verification

Laboratory animal facility managers should find a chemical sanitation partner who will provide all of the necessary equipment to deliver a state-of-the-art program.

Chemical Dispensing Equipment Verification:

  • Eliminates or reduces potential costly downtime
  • Reduces the need for emergency service visits
  • Ensures chemistry is being delivered within the specified range

A reliable chemical sanitation partner takes a proactive approach to ensure that the chemical application and dispensing equipment is proactively and properly maintained. Regularly scheduled maintenance ensures the integrity of your research and promotes the welfare of animals while eliminating cost exposures associated with poor performance and equipment failure.

4. Records Retention

Record-keeping is an important part of the integrity of research, the welfare of animals, and the readiness for inspection and accreditation.

Keeping records also helps rule out possible causes of a pathogen outbreak. Service records show Inspectors, Accreditors, and Investigators that your facility has done its due diligence to ensure the integrity of the research being conducted while maintaining the welfare of the animals.

A lack of detailed records also opens a facility up to being blamed for problems it didn’t cause.

5. Inventory Management

One of the worst things that can happen to a chemical sanitation program is running out of cage wash and animal room cleaning and disinfecting products.

To avoid this, biomedical research facilities should partner with a chemical sanitation vendor that provides the chemicals needed when they’re needed.

6. Ongoing Training

With the health and welfare of animals and employees being vitally important, ongoing training is crucial to a research facility’s success.

A partner dedicated to holistic sanitation solutions for research success will provide a full suite of training.

Providing proactively scheduled training closes the loop on all potential pitfalls.

“A reliable chemical sanitation partner provides holistic sanitation solutions for research success, including chemical verification and washer operation inspection.”


A partner dedicated to holistic sanitation solutions for research success will provide a full suite of training to include chemical safety, sanitation, equipment maintenance, and hygiene.

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